Jakub Julian Ziółkowski

Jakub Julian Ziolkowski (b. 1980, Poland). In 2005 he defended his diploma in the Painting Studio under Prof. Leszek Misiak at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. He is involved in painting and music. He creates paintings, objects, and monotypes.


Starting from an artistic practice that is a form of meditation and insight, Jakub Julian Ziółkowski builds personal mythology, his realm of phenomena and visual forms. In his work, he combines simple, universal symbols describing the basic processes of nature with the traditions and language of contemporary painting. He is fascinated by signs of power, the relationship between the spiritual and material realms, the somatic nature of the body, and the experience of what is most basic: continuance and transformation.


His works have been presented in numerous solo exhibitions, including You Are Mine, Museum of Contemporary Art in Cracow MOCAK (2023); Holy Nothing, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw (2018); Das Leben selbst, Neues Museum Nuremberg, Nuremberg (2017); Imagorea, BWA, Zielona Gora and Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw (2014); Hokaina, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (2010) and at Hauser & Wirth galleries in London, Zurich, and New York; Parasol unit in London or Centre d’Art Contemporain in Geneva.


He has participated in the most important collective art presentations of his generation, including: What Can Be Seen. Polish Art Today, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw (2014); The Encyclopedic Palace, 55th Venice International Art Biennale (2013); The Generational: Younger Than Jesus, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York (2009). His works are in the collections of the DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, The Friedrich Christian Flick Collection, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, the Goetz Collection, the Zabludowicz Collection, and in the collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Cracow MOCAK, National Museums in Cracow, Warsaw and Wroclaw, among others.


He lives and works near Cracow.